Our CSR Initiatives

We at Vani groups are always looking for ways to do our bit for society. Firmly believing in giving back, we have worked in multiple avenues in the last few years. Read more about some of the activities below.


We stood strong as India faced it’s second Covid 19 wave. The team of Vani delivered over 1000 boxes of food on a daily basis to those in need in partnership with a local NGO. The food was manufactured and packaged by us while the distribution was taken care of by the NGO.

Vani Group, Vani, Tobacco, Zarda, Vani Zarda, Bharat Zarda
Vani Group, Vani, Tobacco, Zarda, Vani Zarda, Bharat Zarda


The team members at Vani on a personal level rose to help those in desperate needs as they worked day in and day out arranging essentials for workers, friends and family and unknown people via social media. From arranging beds in hospitals to supplying essential medicines such as Remdesivir, FabiFlu, Medrol and others, no stone was left unturned.


Being located in Delhi/UP, The weather conditions are extreme with the summer temperatures crossing 40 degrees. As a practice, our firm distributes white pure cotton caps to street vendors every year as an attempt to make their daily lives a little better.

Vani Group, Vani, Tobacco, Zarda, Vani Zarda, Bharat Zarda


Vani Groups
Vani Groups
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